Meanwhile, in the Mind of Doug...
A baker who grows cakes. He does not grow them in dirt, because they would taste like sausage.
Click on the brain in a jar for another random thought.
Checkered Scissors
Dadtime Stories
Pickled Bananas ...
Spilt Milk
Yertle the Fried...
Alice In Wonderl...
Artley, a Rarity
Ballad of Everyt...
Boiled Eggs and ...
Bonkers Magic To...
Book Ads
Checkered Scisso...
Class Clown
Classic Guide
Curious Case of ...
Curse of the Wer...
Curse, The
Fortress of Self...
How Shall I Kill...
Killer Bunny fro...
Leonard the Baller
Lost Love
Meddling Kids
Missing Kitty
More Than Dalek
Muggle Studies
Party Trap
Peter Pan and Hi...
Pinocchio (an AS...
Pop Goes the Cul...
Reality Fiction
Saving Earth is ...
Secret to Santa'...
Self-Made Witch
Shadows of Love
Sock Puppets
Sour Grapes (an ...
Stan Taklas is C...
Tame the Darkness
This Little Piggy
Ties That Bind, The
Trouble with Gin...
Twenty-Twenty Vi...
Unaccompanied Mi...
Visitors of the ...
Wyrd World II (A...